An aspiring graphic designer who designs with quirk and control.

Avec Ambi


Avec Ambi: Identity

The literal translation of Avec Ambi is “with everything”. Avec means “with” in French and Ambi is short for “ambivert” which means a person who has characteristic features of an introvert and an extrovert. I consider myself as an ambivert and I believe most people can consider themselves as one too during certain situations. Since avec means “with”, I enjoy having a company of friend(s) and/or people I am comfortable with.

Brand Style Guide

I've created the style guide in a book. What is shown is the web version. Below shows the cover of the brand style guide with a belly-band around it and some of the pages from the style guide book. If you'd like to see the rest of the pages or the actual book, please contact me.


Product Catalogue

I've also made a product catalogue for this brand. The products in this catalogue are cod cakes, chocolate mints, milk, hard cider, and tea. Again, below shows the cover of the product catalogue (with a belly band) and just a few a pages from the catalogue. If you'd like to see more, please contact me.

product catalogue - cover