An aspiring graphic designer who designs with quirk and control.
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Parents Forum

pf electronic logo-fix 2.png

Parents Forum

Parents Forum is a non-profit organization that helps to improve the relationship parents between their children by expressing each other's feelings effectively. My role as a Graphic Designer was to help them improve their Winthrop Booklet by making it organized and readable. 

Below are a few pages of each version of the booklet.


I could not get my hands on the actual file, so I only have the print-outs. What my client wanted: different type-face, to make it look more modern, organized, simple, easily understood, and readable. What I automatically found what was needed: hierarchy. I noticed that some of the text were jumbled up together and it was a little difficult to figure out which part seemed more important. 


In this new one, I changed the type and made it more organized. The type-face that my client wanted was Lato. Lato is an interesting type face that I felt didn't need to be paired up with another typeface/serif. I made some text bold/italic to indicate what things could be noted or important to the reader. The same goes for the size of the text; I made sure that the header on each page was clear. Also, it gave contrast to the page so it didn't feel "plain." The long line on the side indicates the binding for the pages. It was meant to be deleted, but the client liked the line. The pages are printed front and back so if the pages look "un-centered," it's because it is meant to be printed rather than digital.


I had two challenges when doing this project. The first one was the content. Sometimes, there would be too much content in one page and I couldn't make a new page (due to the budget) which was why I played around with the columns. I feel that the asymmetrical columns allows the reader to read it easily rather than straight through; it allows the reader to pause a bit before reading to the next line. 

The second challenge was the spacing. The pages are 8.5" x 11", but really it was a lot smaller than that. I had to take an account of how printers usually cut .25" around the paper and the margins for readability. Due to this it affected how I wanted the content to be. However, I was able to figure it out and was happy how it turned out!

I'm glad I had these challenges. Had I not, then I would be harder for me to face other challenges in the future.